Sunday, September 25, 2016


We who descend now from
high-mountains…  Snaking through
dark-grasses that would graze
our minds, find no fault with
liquid-symbol, but those who speak oblivious
to what they mean, as prisms   
once had juxtaposed the motions
that we come to see.  Bottled
up in the histories of she who deigns
to speak, but in act adheres to
some ancient code.  Our minds
reside in mountain-pools, or exist
elsewhere, slipping as fish into
channels of thought, a glyph
etched upon the layers of some
god’s brain…  & here, is patience in her
gaze, that leans off into cisterns
spread against the gossamer       
moon.  I venture past the eastern
gate, where I return (at last)   
a stranger.  Perhaps we’d never
truly known each other, or the people   
had failed to recognize who I
had become.  Her thought teeters
there in a realm before-words
until she speaks, & the dusk  
spirals from her in the silences
to which they had both returned…
She finds elusive the shrine   
littered with a few-plums    
& her mask falls to the earth
a stone…          

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Bitter, the tea leaves floating in the distance.
I think I hear you, but I don’t hear you…
said a woman’s voice, & the dark-showers, the muted-light
that quivered, liquid-stations, waiting for
hours it seemed, & for what purpose?  There
was something refused-to-change…
I observe the blossoms, a distant-drift
in winds I nearly confuse for snow,
the motions lift in reiterations.  It got hit…   
said a man’s voice, & I, here in the
midst…  The faded greys of the station
& the deep-red of a police-box.  The autumn
hung there listless as the last-leaves
clinging to a branch.  & then they shot me with the invisible-dart...   
It seemed almost to make sense, thinking
back on our history, the fragments
of speech-swirling in distant-elms, ever
that tinge of having done this before, & yet here
is something new: a girl sees
me looking, bands up her hair, w/
eyes-bright, the soft-light of the café
cascades in lucid-streams
she loosens & tosses to one side...  
A slouchy-sweater dangles over her tank-top
& a sweet-silent communic-
ation takes place.  Her eyes-smile
& the past distills into a
moment’s breath…  Right here,
I said, but had she heard
me?  Right now

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


November came & went like a frail
glint of nothing, strange the days skip
by like stones, when a fleck of light
left pools in the corner.  A bit of gold
drips from the window (still ajar) & she
is lost in the laundry w/ nothing to do…
The wise once had-Gathered along the
shore, the timelessness in each moment,
asleep as the grains of wheat that lift
shimmering in the moon that traps   
a rabbit.  The earth, a blundering goon
lurches from the wheels of a rickshaw,
or sinks in the snow I’d once forgot… 
She swims in nebulas of Thought, the ebb
& flow of each closed-circuit opens to
a light gathered there, at the cusp of pres-
ence.  Days cavernous (as time itself) seem
but silver threads that slip from my
hand, in the distance.  I leave this place,
a stranger in the surf, churning out quest-
ions that sizzle, in a cell of gossamer  
cloud some local-god had set aflame...  
Behind, I watch the blue move in spirals
she finds in gyrations, before our minds
arise.  Predating the concept of time,
or semblance, yet a kernel of Possibility… 
She now dips under, as currents siphon
through (her fingers) & she understands. 
The migrations ever supporting us, the
entropies that threaten our dusks, a deep
fiend lacking any true-will, but the tend-
ency for harm, was nothing but a wisp
of flame, a stone drowning in the Ocean…  

Monday, September 12, 2016


Vaporous doorways
in which I'm never to set  
foot again 
Nestled-back in sub-songs of renunciation
I shook the insects from me as I descended from altars of fear
shone flashlights of plasma into caverns that
dripped with pearl    

Flashes of dream crossed over & spun  
like mirrors, those dusky-streets lining the Naniwa arcades
hours of agony spent in towering-bookstores
where history flapped in the wind
as flags    

Seeing her there at the corner, I'd almost
introduced myself, the loquacious-pearls that spilled from halls-of-jade
I hid in my heart the only thing I truly meant to say
Who was it walked in silence on those
byways of liquidation

Limbs drifting on the dark-side of mountains   
mercury, it was mercury that weighed
us down with the sound-of-silence, in expectation
of nothing yet known      
Clouds that lift from her eyes as she
enters the bookstore, cautiously so as not to wake the sleepers
who astound themselves with star-infested

As they slip from trials-of-slumber, into a chrysalis    
of silks that burst from faint-reflections
in the Naniwa arcades
I asked her name, & she said
it was

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Here in the fire-shallows, the night rolls on, I seek oblivion... 
The message that she left me, the flames
that slip like water through the cracks.  I seem
to remember.  & follow the birds in thought
as they drift against the clouds, watch them line
along the wires.  This silence I find alone,
the last few remnants of the

Painter of flame, artificer of presence.  
Who is it watches over us, without so much
as a will to intervene?  We seek
the silences they took away, lay awake
in the twilit hours, that scratch at our
restless-brains.  Who is it will greet us with a silent  
eye, without the slightest

A leaf skims along the surface, & the birds
float in air, turn upon a breathless
wind, & we (the sages) left to conjure
amidst cloud, a consciousness, almost denied by those   
vapors of negation.  Will they have us
stay in place?  I see no reason
why I should not aspire, an eagle 
still rising from a lie                     
that seeks (so mindlessly)
to harm…    

We the voices of longevity, who seem
always to begin, again a life is   
flashing in the rain, the distant-call
drowned out by some rasp of flame, that never
was a face we recognized.
After years resigned to silence,
at last the creature

Monday, September 5, 2016


Vacillating between two polarities, the poet rediscovers himself through language.  Comes upon the cornerstones of that which unites us with the ancient womb, the pale light that rustles inside the voice of a distant-cipher.  Windblown hair faded as the
sun that sinks beneath clouds.  I come to the pearl locus, a vagrant with a coral mind, who slips from murkiness of being into the clarity of thought lost in its own devices.  The autumn rests upon a word, a leaf spinning through time I relocate in each-motion that removes us from who we think we are.  Is it our lot in life to frequent the clouded halls left behind by those adepts who work their language beyond the confines of time? 
Is the sun that yet pools in distant-heat a specter who devours our dream?  A knack for survival leads us from the temple, where we discover keystones of tension, energize the lives that no longer smolder with hope.  Plasma distends into glass estuaries.   

Friday, September 2, 2016


The groan of a chair beneath
him in the afternoon, & those
roses of light that whisper to
him (often in silence) in solitude
that drips from-somewhere
behind you…  Waiting in Kyoto
station for no-one in particular…
The faint-bitterness of coffee
swirls in his brain, & the subtle
neurosis of-being-nowhere at
once (or at least without any
fixed-destination).  Volumes piled
on his desk of texts that lit his
mind in evenings.  So often, while
reading Adorno, his life appeared
before him in pockets-of-mem-
ory, flashes-of-instances he had
once forgotten, only to return   
as filmy-ghosts that usher him
into his bright accommodations. 
A life nourished by the plastic
image, in which past & present
(even future?) swell & fuse into
almost an itch, a slight-tingle that
rings in distances of autumns…   
The air cool, & the lonesome
walks through Ikebukuro-streets.    
Yes, you had been a teacher… 
Ever that soft-light-spills on your
fingers, from a couple-of-bulbs
gone out in the ceiling lamp. 
Life (curiously) a tone-poem, that
flows in silent-whispers.  & his
sole-window seen from the kit-
chen, into which he may view
the world-theater, where peo-
ple pass by, as if in recognition
of a life that remains-obscure.